I'm trying to read a Bitmap file in the C++ way. This file has two headers (a file header and an image header). I succeed to read both of them. But now I'm trying to read data, the same way I red the headers, I fail. When I use the C way to read binary files everything is fine. Here is the codes: im_bmp.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "im_bmp.h"

using namespace std;

void read_bmp(const char* f)
   pict I; unsigned char pix[3]; px pxl; int i = 0;

   FILE* fl = fopen(f, "rb");
   fread(&I, sizeof(pict), 1, fl);
   printf("%d\n%d\n",I.im.bpp,I.fhd.f_off); // A test to show the bit per pixel and the offset(where image data begin)

       printf("%d %d %d ",pix[2],pix[1],pix[0]); // A test to show the first two pixels

// The code below read binary files in the C++ way
   ifstream ifs;
   ifs.read((char *)&I,sizeof(pict));
   cout << I.im.bpp << endl;           // It works here. It's headers
   ifs.read((char *)&pxl,sizeof(pxl));
   cout << pxl.r << endl;              // It fails here to read the first pixel



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#pragma pack(1)

using namespace std;
typedef int int32;
typedef short int16;

typedef struct px
    unsigned char r, g, b;
} px;

typedef struct pict
    int w, h;
    px dt;
} pict;

struct im_hd
    int32 hd_sz;
    int32 wdt;
    int32 hgt;
    int16 im_pl;
    int16 bpp;
    int32 cmp;
    int32 im_sz;
    int32 hr;
    int32 vr;
    int32 clr;
    int32 mclr;

struct fl_hd
    char hd[2];
    int32 sz;
    int32 rsv;
    int32 f_off;
    im_hd im;

struct im_hd
    int hd_sz;
    int wdt;
    int hgt;
    short im_pl;
    short bpp;
    int cmp;
    int im_sz;
    int hr;
    int vr;
    int clr;
    int mclr;

struct fl_hd
    char hd[2];
    int sz;
    int rsv;
    int f_off;
    //im_hd im;

typedef struct px
    unsigned char r, g, b;
} px;

typedef struct pict
    fl_hd fhd;
    im_hd im;
    //int w, h;
    //px* dt;
} pict;

void read_bmp(const char* f);

#endif // IM_BMP_H_INCLUDED 

I try to do this in C++ but it doesn't work:

   ifstream ifs;
   ifs.read((char *)&I,sizeof(pict));
   cout << I.im.bpp << endl;           // It works here. It's headers
   ifs.read((char *)&pxl,sizeof(pxl));
   cout << pxl.r << endl;              // It fails here to read the first pixel
  • Have you checked the internal flags of ifs ?
    – Jaffa
    Oct 10, 2013 at 9:01
  • You say "it fails", but what output are you having ? What are you expecting ?
    – zakinster
    Oct 10, 2013 at 9:26

1 Answer 1


Your C++ code works perfectly fine. It prints you a weird character because cout interprets it as a char :

cout << pxl.r << endl; 

Try to cast it as an int in order to see the integer value :

cout << static_cast<int>(pxl.r) << endl; 

Although, you may have enforce the structure alignment using #pragma pack, it may be safer to read the pixel without taking the structure size into account :

ifs.read((char *)&pxl.r, sizeof (unsigned char));
ifs.read((char *)&pxl.g, sizeof (unsigned char));
ifs.read((char *)&pxl.b, sizeof (unsigned char));
  • 2
    A great example on why "It fails here" is not a sufficient problem description.
    – Adam
    Oct 10, 2013 at 9:04
  • Thank you Zakinster, that was exactly my problem, and you solved it.
    – Patrik
    Oct 10, 2013 at 10:15

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