How can I reorder the fields in the table during an update.

i.e i have this table:

|1 | 0   |
|2 | 0   |
|3 | 1   |
|4 | 2   |
|5 | 3   |
|6 | 0   |
|7 | 4   |

Now what I want to do is that if id = 3 is deleted the whole order field would be updated to:

|1 | 0   |
|2 | 0   |
|4 | 1   |
|5 | 2   |
|6 | 0   |
|7 | 3   |

Is there a simple solution for this? If there is, how would I do it? I was thinking of checking the fields individually.

i.e if 3 is deleted I would fetch first its order number and check if there are no other id's that hold the same order and if there are none I would proceed to check all the order greater than the order number of id 3 and update them individually.

  • What would you do if id = 2 gets deleted? What would be the output in your example? Oct 11, 2013 at 21:13
  • @MostyMostacho it wont update the order, since order 0 is used by 2 id's Oct 11, 2013 at 21:15

1 Answer 1


If the id is autonumeric or new ids will always take the max(id)+1 value then :

By updating all the rows after the one you just deleted :

update your_table set order = order - 1 where id> @the_id_you_just_deleted
  • This won't work. You are assuming it is sorted by id and that is not the case as he could insert a higher id in the middle (between 2 and 3 in the first example) Oct 11, 2013 at 21:15
  • it seems that way with the data sample in the question. But i will precise it in my answer anyway. Thanks.
    – Jonysuise
    Oct 11, 2013 at 21:25
  • then : update your_table set order = order - 1 where id>=@the_id_you_just_deleted
    – Jonysuise
    Oct 12, 2013 at 7:59

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