I have the following declaration:

#define ERROR   0x01

Is it possible, given just the variable res, to copy the string "ERROR" into a char array?


Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I'm calling a DLL which return values. Those values can be interpreted like this:

switch (res)
    case ERROR:
     strcpy(arr, "ERROR");break;
    case ... 

since there are many options and the switch will be huge, I wandered maybe there is a shortcut...

  • I didn't understand what you want to ask... Please give some example, illustration.
    – 0xF1
    Oct 16, 2013 at 10:00
  • Before compilation, there is a Preprocessor program which accepts your program with preprocessing statements, turns it into a pure form of program without preprocessing statements. Hence, ERROR is replaced with 0x01 wherever in the program, even before compilation starts.. If yours is a C program compiling with gcc: try gcc -E file_name.c to get the pre-processed output.
    – smRaj
    Oct 16, 2013 at 10:11
  • possible duplicate of Is there a simple script to convert C++ enum to string?
    – MSalters
    Oct 16, 2013 at 11:59

3 Answers 3

#define ERROR   0x01

defines constant integral literal 0x01 and preprocessor turns the following line:

UINT32 res = ERROR;


UINT32 res = 0x01;

before the compilation starts. There is no char array.

In case you want to copy associated name of constant to avoid doing something like:

case ERROR:
 strcpy(arr, "ERROR"); break;
case X:
 strcpy(arr, "X"); break;
case Y:
 strcpy(arr, "Y"); break;

then you might create a helper with static structure retrieving name by given code, yet for the sake of type safety I would avoid #defines as much as possible. Something like (this is just a concept):

const char* getRetCodeName(const UINT32 code) {
    static std::map<int, const char*> codes;
    static int firstCall = 1;
    if (firstCall) {
        codes[ERROR] = "ERROR";
        codes[X] = "X";
        codes[Y] = "Y";
        firstCall = 0;
    return codes[code];

and in caller's code:

UINT32 res = someCall();
const char* retCodeName = getRetCodeName(res);

It's not possible to do this without depending on the name ERROR, but you can do something like this:

const char* value_to_string(UINT32 val) {
  #define CHECK_CONSTANT(maConst) \
    if (val == maConst) return #maConst

  return 0;


This abstracts from the value of the macro, but unfortunately it cannot abstract from its name. If you have more than one such #define, you can also list them all as subsequent CHECK_CONSTANT(something); lines.


Do you want to display the name of the define? This is not possible. Perhaps you are looking for something like:


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