I am trying to match passwords using Zurb foundation abide, everything works fine except for the data-equalto tag, my code is:

          %small necesar
        %input#pw1{required: '', type: 'password'}
        %small.error A strong password is needed
          Confirma Parola
          %small necesar
        %input{required: '', type: 'password' , "data-equalto"=> 'pw1'}
        %small.error A strong password is needed or passwords do not match

I am expecting for the A strong password is needed or passwords do not match message to pop but it's not happening

1 Answer 1


The password validation pattern was removed presumably because there are varying opinions on what makes a password "strong enough."

You can define your own password field requirements however. See the abide docs.

  abide : {
    patterns: {
      password: /^yourRegexHere/

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