I have to create a convoluted program to read 3 values from a file, calculate the average, and output it to a file, all using different functions, and the function that gets the input from a file needs to be called 3 times separately with no fancy stuff. I'm incrementing a variable by 1 each time and input is taken and skipping lines accordingly. It seems to get the first 2 inputs fine when using ignore() until the newline character, but when using it twice to skip the first 2 inputs and get the third, it seems to be getting the second input again and using that to calculate the average. For example I got the average of 5,7 and 10 as 6.3~ when it should be 7.3~. Am I doing something wrong by using ignore until the newline character twice? I've included the code from my main and the two relevant functions.

int main() {

    double input_1, input_2, input_3;
    double average;
    int count = 1;

    ifstream infile;
    ofstream outfile;

    input_1 = get_input(infile, count);
    count = count+1;

    input_2 = get_input(infile, count);

    input_3 = get_input(infile, count);

    average = calculate_avg(input_1, input_2, input_3);

    output_to_file(average, outfile);


    return 0;

double get_input(ifstream& infile,  int number) {

    double input_value;

    if (number == 1) {
        infile >> input_value;
    else if (number == 2)
        infile.ignore (100, '\n');
        infile >> input_value;
    else if (number == 3)
        infile.ignore (100, '\n');
        infile.ignore (100, '\n');
        infile >> input_value;
    return input_value;

double calculate_avg(double val_1, double val_2, double val_3){
    double avg;

    avg = (val_1 + val_2 + val_3)/3;

    return avg;
  • 1
    Please don't put TABs in your code samples here! Edited this time ... Oct 21, 2013 at 18:19

2 Answers 2


std::fstream::ignore will extract and discard characters from the input stream, so 100 won't be the best choice

Use following in get_input() for sake of "no fancy stuff"

infile.seekg(0); // rewind
if (number == 1) {
    infile >> input_value;
else if (number == 2)
    infile >> input_value;
    infile >> input_value;
else if (number == 3)
    infile >> input_value;
    infile >> input_value;
    infile >> input_value;
return input_value; //only the last read value
  • Thanks so much! I hadn't realized it would only return the last read value, I thought it would cause some kind of error. I guess I should test stuff out more. Oct 21, 2013 at 18:37

write function get_input as:

double get_input(ifstream& infile,  int number) {
    double input_value;
    infile >> input_value;
    infile.ignore (1, '\n');
    return input_value;

the will work because you opened file and then reads it consequentially, so after you read number - internal pointer is at \n symbol, and you do not have to skip several lines, you need just to skip \n symbol

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