I've got web pages embeded into win forms app. For my purposes I use this web control. When new instance of browser is going to create, I handle NewWindow3 event and create new form with separate web browser control and pass it as ppDisp parameter. The problem I faced is that browser which is created from NewWindow3 event has document mode 5, lowest of all IE engines that I have on my machine. Can't understand why it's so and how can I fix it?

1 Answer 1


I've had exactly the same problem with the TEmbeddedWB component (extended version of the TWebbrowser VCL component) in Delphi 5 for a long time. I already did a lot of research in the past with no result. But today I found the solution after about 3 hours researching and trial&error. TEmbeddedWB has a public procedure "AssignEmptyDocument" with the following simple implementation:

procedure TEmbeddedWB.AssignEmptyDocument(bWait: Boolean = False);
  if bWait then

I have to execute this procedure BEFORE I assign the ppDisp. Here is my simplified solution in Delphi/Object pascal:

procedure Tfrm_browser.EmbeddedWBNewWindow3(ASender: TObject; var ppDisp: IDispatch;
  var Cancel: WordBool; dwFlags: Cardinal; const bstrUrlContext,
  bstrUrl: WideString);
var popup: Tfrm_popup;
  Application.CreateForm(Tfrm_popup, popup);
  ppDisp := popup.EmbeddedWB.Application;

In my case the documentMode of the popup is "9" afterwards, as expected. So, simply try to do a "Navigate('about:blank');" before assigning the ppDisp. In my case it works like a charm.

The reason for this behavior I don't know, sorry...

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