I would like to know how to create a connection from a client web browser to a server if it support STARTTLS.

SSL/TLS layer involve using a different port. STARTLS aim at making both encrypted/unecrypted version of the protocol availaible on the same port.

Websockets and Ajax are just suggestion. Any working method (like RAW socket API) are accepted.

1 Answer 1


Your question is quite unclear: why does it mention web browsers and STARTTLS in the same sentence? Probably you are confusing TLS(SSL) with STARTTLS.

Encrypted WebSockets connections are created using the wss: URI scheme:

websocket = new WebSocket('wss://server.com');

And of course encrypted HTTP connections are created using the https: URI scheme in the first place.

STARTTLS is a command which is used to upgrade the connection from clear text to TLS encrypted in some protocols such as SMTP or LDAP.


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