I'm reading about google specifications about ajax crawling; I understood the concept but i need some more clarifications:

my URLs are all like this:


I have to provide the html snapshot at these addresses:


Is this correct? Or should I remove the "/" in the "escaped_fragment" URL (ex. http://www.website.com/?_escaped_fragment_=eng/home or something else?)

I generate the HTML snapshots with phantomjs, but then which one is the best way to provide these snapshots to the crawler? Using node js? Using htaccess rewrite rules?

2 Answers 2


Ok, since i finally got rid of this, i would like to share the way i found;

first of all the HTML snapshot must be provided to the crawler at a specific URL where


is replacing


So if you have:


your server must provide the snapshot at:


If someone is interested in the method i use to generate the snapshot, i simply use a node module called judo (https://npmjs.org/package/judo); in order to use this you need to have on your server phantomjs (http://phantomjs.org/) and node (http://nodejs.org/); (more information about how to install phantomjs on the server: How can I setup & run PhantomJS on Ubuntu?)

Once you have everything installed you just need to write a js file using judo (ex. judo.js) (following the doc page that i've linked before you will be ready in 5 mins); upload the file on the server and execute it with node to create the snapshots and the sitemap;

after this, you need to serve the google's crawler with the HTML snapshots when he ask for ?_escaped_fragment_= URLs; the simplest way in my opinion is by .htaccess file; in particular you need just 3 lines of code, that in my case are:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^_escaped_fragment_=/(.*)$
RewriteRule ^$ /seo/snapshots/%1\.html [L]

(since in my judo.js file creates the snapshots in /seo/snapshots directory)

Finally, you can check that everything works using the "fetch as google" option in the google webmaster tools' panel; if you did all correctly, you will see that the result is the HTML snapshot...

  • An additional thing to consider is that the escaped_fragment will be urlencoded and therefore needs to be decoded to create the 'pretty url' for phantomjs to render. I recently launched crawlspa.com which provides everything as a service.
    – DanS
    Nov 16, 2013 at 10:32

Usually i don't answer SO posts by suggesting a paid service, but in this case think you should really consider using BromBone - http://www.emberjsseo.com

  • Thanks for your suggestion, but i'm interested in learning this; starting from scratch, step by step i understood how to create the snapshots, and now i would like to get rid of this final step... Oct 30, 2013 at 23:03

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