Given the following interfaces and classes, is there a way in Autofac to

  • Register a Provider<T> for all classes that have a ProviderAttribute, with T being the type of such a class (Think registering open generics and resolving them with Autofac's MakeGenericType())
  • Inject these registered providers as, drum roll, IEnumerable<IProviderBase> into the constructor of other classes


public class ProviderAttribute : Attribute { }

public interface IProviderBase
    Type Type { get; }

public interface IProvider<T> : IProviderBase
    DoSomething(T t);

public class Provider<T> : IProvider<T>
    public Type Type
        get { return typeof (T); }

    public DoSomething(T t)

1 Answer 1


I have come up with a crude solution:

var types = GetProviderTypes();

foreach (var type in types)
    var t = typeof (Provider<>).MakeGenericType(type);

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