I'm using the Authority package for access control in my Laravel application (which I'm upgrading from Laravel 3 to Laravel 4). For unit testing of the access rules, I need to be able to call Authority::can() as another user.

In Laravel 3 Authority, I used the as_user() method:

$this->assertTrue(Authority::cannot('read', 'Notifications')); //true

$this->assertTrue(Authority::can('read', 'Notifications')); //true

In Laravel 4 Authority, some of the syntax/APIs have changed and as_user() no longer exists. I've tried two alternatives but I'm not getting expected results.

Attempt 1 (use Auth::login() to switch user):

$this->assertTrue(Authority::cannot('read', 'Notifications')); //true

$this->assertTrue(Authority::can('read', 'Notifications')); //false (wrong!)

Printing Auth::user()->name in the test shows the user has been switched. But printing $this->getCurrentUser()->name as a hack inside the Authority::can() function shows the user is not being switched within this scope (hence the wrong result).

Attempt 2: (use Authority::setCurrentUser() to switch user)

$this->assertTrue(Authority::cannot('read', 'Notifications')); 

$this->assertTrue(Authority::can('read', 'Notifications')); 


But in this case I get an exception:

Trying to get property of non-object

Line 9 in the Authority config file where the exception happens suggests the current user is not being set as expected:

8: $user = $authority->getCurrentUser();
9: if(count($user->roles) === 0) return false; 

For normal application usage (i.e. not switching users within unit tests) Authority appears to be behaving as expected.

What am I doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


The author of the Laravel 4 Authority module (Matthew Machuga) recommended testing against a new instance of Authority (NB: not the façade). This also requires reloading the ruleset:

$rules = Config::get('authority-l4::initialize', null);

$authority = new Authority\Authority($user);
$this->assertTrue(Authority::cannot('read', 'Notifications')); //true

$authority = new Authority\Authority($superuser);
$this->assertTrue(Authority::can('read', 'Notifications')); //true

The full discussion can be seen on the Laravel forum.

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