I am trying to update/create a new dataset and combine the previous value with the new one.

This is how it looks like in my Python script right now.

dailyDataset = {
    "pId" : pub,
    "oId" : off,
    "payout" : +addPayout,
db[dbName].update( { 'pId' : publisher, 'oId' : offer.id },  {"$set" : dailyDataset }, True)

What I try to achieve is, if the dataset pId and oId exists use the current value from "payout" and add the value from addPayout.

E.g. payout = 1.22 and addPayout = 1.22 result should be 2.44.

Any tip is welcome.


1 Answer 1


You can use the $inc operator:

db[dbName].update( { 'pId' : publisher, 'oId' : offer.id },  {"$inc" : {'payout':1.22}}, True)

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