Hello I have a rather strange problem that doesn't make much sense. I have a variable that's a string, and I want to search a property of an object(that's also an object) with the same name. Like so:

var ObjectProperty; /// multi-layer object
var PropertyName; //string

and if there's a match to the PropertyName in the Object, I want to return it. Sample code:

Bird.Raven = {

Bird.Duck = {
Color: "Gray",

Bird.Cardinal = {
Color: "Red",
///ObjectProperty sample.

Key I want to find inside "Bird":

var Cardinal = "Cardinal"; //string
///PropertyName sample.

Current Function I'm using, assume 'n' is the PropertyName variable I want to search:

var searchBirds = function(n) {
  for(var key in Bird) {
    var keyName = key.toString();
  if(keyName == n){
  console.log("bird " + key + " has been found.");
  console.log(typeof key);//RETURNS STRING
  return key;
  console.log(n + " could not be found")

Why is it returning a string when this should be an object? How can I make it return the key as an object? What's wrong? Vanilla Javascript preferred.

Thanks for the help, I hope this makes sense!

1 Answer 1


The statement for(var key in Bird) iterates through the names of the enumerable properties on the Bird object. To get the value of that property, do Bird[key].


var key, birdObject;
for (key in Bird) {
    birdObject = Bird[key];
    console.log(key + ".Color = " + birdObject.Color);

...would output

Raven.Color = Black
Duck.Color = Grey
Cardinal.Color = Red

...in no specified order (although nearly all engines will do them in the order the properties were added to the object [provided none of the property names is all digits, in which case there's more variation] — but that's not in the spec).

  • While I don't quite follow with the brackets and keys and properties(though I'm working on that) I have to say this works magic! Thanks! Nov 1, 2013 at 18:28
  • @user2588440: :-) Object properties have names. There are two ways we can give the JavaScript engine the name of the property we want: Either by typing it as an "identifier," literally in the text, like the "height" in this: a.height, or by giving it to the engine as a string: a["height"]. The engine knows which of those we're doing because we use a . with the identifier, but we use [...] with the string. It's just two different ways of doing the same thing. And if we're using a string, it can be any string, so a["he" + "ight"] works, and key1 = "height" then a[key1] works. Nov 1, 2013 at 18:57

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