i have two images on the screen that overlap called A and B. i have a third image called C that the user is able to move around the screen. the bigger one (A) of the two resets the C to the spawn point on collide. i need to know how to make it so that C can walk over image B and not be reset to the spawn point. as in image B overlaps image A and negates the collision function.

here is the code:

--Hides status bar from top of page
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

--Set a test background image 
local backgroundimg = display.newImageRect("testbackground.png", 320,576)
backgroundimg.x = display.contentWidth*0.5
backgroundimg.y = display.contentHeight*0.5

--Set the position and amount of score and lives

local score = 0
local lives = 5

local showscore = display.newText("Score: "..score,0,-36,native.systemFont,25)
showscore:setTextColor(0, 0, 0)

local showlives = display.newText("Lives: "..lives,230,-36,native.systemFont,25)
showlives:setTextColor(0, 0, 0)

--Set physics for collisions, etc.
physics = require("physics")

--set water
local water = display.newImageRect("water.png",320,192)
water.x = display.contentWidth*0.5
water.y = 144
water:addEventListener("collision", function()timer.performWithDelay(50,waterCollide)end)

function waterCollide(event)
    lives = lives - 1
    frog = display.newImageRect("FrogTest.png",32,48)
    frog.x = display.contentWidth*0.5
    frog.y = 504
    physics.addBody(frog, "dynamic")
    frog.isFixedRotation = true

--Sets buttons images and positions
local forward = display.newImageRect("Forward Button.png",106,100)
forward.x = 160
forward.y = 478

local left = display.newImageRect("Left Button.png",106,100)
left.x = 53
left.y = 478

local right = display.newImageRect("Right Button.png",106,100)
right.x = 267
right.y = 478

--Set log position and movement
local log1 = display.newImageRect("log1.png", 96, 48)
log1.x = 32
log1.y = 226
transition.to(log1, {time = 3500, x = 288})

--Set a frog sprite on the screen
frog = display.newImageRect("FrogTest.png",32,48)
frog.x = display.contentWidth*0.5
frog.y = 504
physics.addBody(frog, "dynamic",{density = 1.0, friction = 1, bounce = -1})
frog.isFixedRotation = true

--Sets motion variables
local motionX = 0
local motionY = 0
local speed = 4

--Moving forward
function forward:touch()
    motionX = 0
    motionY = -speed

--Moving Right
function right:touch()
    motionX = speed
    motionY = 0

--Moving left
function left:touch()
    motionX = -speed
    motionY = 0

--Moves Frog each time frame is called
function movefrog (event)
    frog.x = frog.x + motionX
    frog.y = frog.y + motionY
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", movefrog)

--Stops frog from moving continuously 
local function stop (event)
    if event.phase == "ended" then
        motionX = 0
        motionY = 0
Runtime:addEventListener("touch", stop)

--Making sure the frog does not go off the screen
local function stopfrog (event)
    if frog.x <= 16 then
        frog.x = 16
    if frog.x >= 304 then
        frog.x = 304
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", stopfrog)

1 Answer 1


You need to set a condition under the waterCollide function in order to negate the respawning.

Depending on how complex you'll need it to be, you could simply check if frog's position is within log1's boundaries, or perhaps you could have log1 and any future logs have their own collision event which sets a flag on collision to not trigger the respawn then clear the flag when collision with any log ends.

Here's an example:

local onLog = 0

function frogDie()
    lives = lives - 1
    frog = display.newImageRect("FrogTest.png",32,48)
    frog.x = display.contentWidth*0.5
    frog.y = 504
    physics.addBody(frog, "dynamic")
    frog.isFixedRotation = true

function waterCollide(event)
    if onLog < 1 then frogDie() end

function logCollide(event)
    if event.phase == 'began' then
        onLog = onLog + 1
        onLog = onLog - 1

log1:addEventListener("collision", logCollide)
--log2:addEventListener("collision", logCollide)

Using a number to track whether the frog is on a log should be safer than a boolean, since logs might end up overlapping and clearing the flag before it can be reset properly on multiple collision passes.

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