If I need to find a regex that matches any positive number of lower case characters, an N, and then either 6 integers, 8 integers or 15 integers. But not match any other number of intagers

e.g. "abcN123456" or "abcdN12345678" or "abN123456789012345" or "abcdefgN123456"

How would you make a regex that finds this?

It starts with [a-z]+N but don't know how to do the variable number of integers

2 Answers 2


This is how I would do it:

  • This regex returns a match for 7 integers (as it finds 6 then ignores the last int) is there a way around this?
    – puser
    Nov 5, 2013 at 13:15
  • 1
    you could add characters that follow the string (e.g. comma, whitespaces (\s) or quotes) or if the string end after that use $ to end the regex like so: [a-z]+N(\d{6}|\d{8}|\d{15})$
    – grexter89
    Nov 5, 2013 at 13:17
  • 1
    Or \b to match the end of a word.
    – MikeFHay
    Nov 5, 2013 at 13:24

Here's a possible solution


Regular expression visualization

Debuggex Demo

or try this "crazier" variant ;)


Regular expression visualization

Debuggex Demo

  • This regex returns a match for 7 integers (as it finds 6 then ignores the last int) is there a way around this?
    – puser
    Nov 5, 2013 at 13:16
  • 1
    "fixed" it by adding selectors for start & end
    – bukart
    Nov 5, 2013 at 13:18

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