Ok, I've been at this for a little while and have my menu displaying correctly for the parent and children.. but I am trying to add a 2nd level of children and I can not get them to display. I thought it was a matter of adding the correct css and prefixing it with an extra UL LI .. but obviously i'm wrong there.

The menu is living here at this jsfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/Q2tAk/

Ignoring the margins, they look fine combined with the other css.. I just cant get that 2nd sub level menu to show.. I thought it was similiar to this other question on stackoverflow, but so far nothing..

   -- Child
       -- sub-child

2 Answers 2


You're almost there, you need to use the css selector > on <li> and not on <a>

For example:

.first-level li > ul.second-level{

.second-level li > ul.third-level{

Hope that helps you


Here's a jsFiddle of the 2nd submenu showing

The issue was twofold. First, the 2nd sub-level wasn't showing because it was hidden behind the 1st sub-menu. This was occurring because they were both positioned in the same location using absolute positioning. To fix this, I altered the nested "#menu li ul" to be positioned in a relative fashion:

#menu li ul {
    position: relative; /*Changed*/
    overflow: hidden;
    display: none;

The second issue was that both the 1st and 2nd submenus were being displayed when the "#menu li:hover ul" event was triggered. In order to solve this, a direct-child selector can be inserted so that only the direct ul child of the hovered li will be displayed:

#menu li:hover > ul {
    display: block;
  • The only trouble there, is the menu items move around due to the relative positioning, which I would rather not have.. Nov 19, 2013 at 3:51
  • You can add a height parameter to the #menu li property --> #menu li {height: 50px;}
    – ams
    Nov 19, 2013 at 3:58

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