Users will each have a user profile, and he wants each user to know who has viewed their profile. The only way I can think of doing this involves doing a database INSERT every time someone views a profile page (probably using an Ajax call at the end of the page). This sounds like a massive performance issue, especially if the site builds up to any significant traffic.

Any ideas on how to achieve this in a performant way, or is it just the nature of tracking this kind of thing?


2 Answers 2

  1. Why add another ajax call to view?
    Do it When you call the user profile show action.. in the controller

  2. Queue it to a background job (example: starling + workling)

  3. Dont use acid DB for the viewed data, use some kind of key-value store db (cassandra, redis etc)


If you're using MySQL, I'm a big fan of using the "INSERT INTO...ON DUPLICATE KEY" feature which allows you to perform an update on a row if there's a key conflict. This means that instead of one row per profile view, there could be one row per user + profile pair, or for even more granularity, user + profile + day.

Depending on your traffic situation and choice of DB engine, this may work very well even for extended periods of time. Although there may be a very large number of rows in a tracking table like this, the content is very small, like a pair of ID fields and a numeric counter, which is on the order of 12-16 bytes per entry.

For example, a tracking table might be defined as:

def self.up
  create_table :user_profile_views do |t|
    t.integer :user_id
    t.integer :profile_user_id
    t.integer :count, :default => 0

  add_index :user_profile_views, [ :user_id, :profile_user_id ], :unique => true

For the model:

def self.record_view_profile!(user, profile)
  connection.execute(sanitize_sql([ "
    INSERT INTO user_profile_views (user_id, user_profile_id, count)
      VALUES (%d,%d,1)
  ", user.id, profile.id ])

This will either insert a row, or update the count for an existing row.

  • This solution would limit the size of the table being modified, but it would not be a terribly effective method to do auditing. You have to do a select and then either an insert or update, so your table would require better indexing on the foreign keys. Also, you lose information like the timestamp of the visit. Mar 5, 2011 at 2:11

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