I want to get column names of a data.frame separated with comma (,). I remembered I got this result in past but now forgot the command.

df<- data.frame(x=1:10, y=11:20)


"x" "y"

Desired Output

c("x", "y")
  • Are you looking for dput(names(df)) perhaps? Nov 28, 2013 at 11:53
  • This is what I need. I remember I used this command in past but forgot. Would you mind to change your comment to answer so I can accept it. Thanks
    – MYaseen208
    Nov 28, 2013 at 11:56

1 Answer 1


The easiest way to get exactly what it sounds like you're asking for (without knowing exactly how you plan to use this information) is to use dput:

# c("x", "y")

By extension, without fussing with paste:

x <- capture.output(dput(names(df)))
# [1] "c(\"x\", \"y\")"
# c("x", "y")

Although @Jilber deleted his answer, you can use shQuote to go from what he had started with to the output of "x" above:

paste("c(", paste(shQuote(names(df)), collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
# [1] "c(\"x\", \"y\")"

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