can I go like this

USE SELECT databasename from databasenametable

or something similar?

rather than do the select and then put the value in the use satement? I tried brackets around the select and that didnt work. the above didnt work either. i wouldnt know what else to do


2 Answers 2


If you are using SQL Server, USE statement should get an explicit value for database name:

USE [databasename]

If you insist of doing this dynamically, you can use Dynamic Sql:

SET @db = QUOTENAME(N'Pubs'); -- put whatever you want here..
EXEC(N'USE ' + @db);
  • so i cant do what im asking. i got a bunch of db's and i know which one i want to use based on a query. i want to put that query in my use statement, rather than give it an explicit value
    – dwarf
    Nov 28, 2013 at 21:23

If you only need to execute one statement in another database, another alternative might be something like :

declare @sql nvarchar(500)
declare @yourDatabaseName nvarchar(50) = 'junk'
declare @yourQuery NVARCHAR(200) = 'select * from someTable'
set @sql = @yourDatabaseName + '..sp_executesql N''' + @yourQuery + ''''
EXEC (@sql) 

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