Environment Entity Framework 4; Visual Web Developer Express 2010; Database first; SQL Server Express


I want to fetch a row from the database, update one field and save back to the database. Why does the following method throw an OptimisticConcurrencyException?

public static void SetReturnVisit(int firstAppointmentSlotID, int returnAppointmentSlotID) {
    AppointmentSlot slot = m_db.AppointmentSlots.SingleOrDefault(m => m.AppointmentSlotID == firstAppointmentSlotID);
    slot.ReturnAppointmentSlotID = returnAppointmentSlotID;

m_db is my ObjectContext Entities class.
AppointmentSlot database table contains a Timestamp field named Concurrency.
Concurrency property on entity configured as below:

  • StoreGeneratedPattern: Computed
  • Concurrency Mode: Fixed

I am working as a single developer, so nothing else is modifying the record.

I have tried various approaches, like detaching the item, updating field and attaching again.

public static void SetReturnVisit(int firstAppointmentSlotID, int returnAppointmentSlotID) {
    AppointmentSlot slot = m_db.AppointmentSlots.SingleOrDefault(m => m.AppointmentSlotID == firstAppointmentSlotID);
    slot.ReturnAppointmentSlotID = returnAppointmentSlotID;
    m_db.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(slot, EntityState.Modified);

Same problem, exception thrown, and it doesn't make sense to do that anyway.

I have checked the value of the Concurrency field just before saving and it is the same as that in the database.

I have even toyed with saving the Concurrency value, converting it to a Base 64 string, then converting back to a byte array

string c = Convert.ToBase64String(slot.Concurrency);
slot.Concurrency = Convert.FromBase64String(c);

Am I missing something? Is there another call I should be making?

Apart from this behaviour, the optimistic concurrency is working as expected when fetching from the database and viewing the item detached, then saving.

Note that I am not including my Try/Catch code.


The following works as expected:

m_db.ExecuteStoreCommand("UPDATE AppointmentSlot SET ReturnAppointmentSlotID = {0} WHERE AppointmentSlotID = {1} AND Concurrency = {2}", returnAppointmentSlotID, firstAppointmentSlotID, slot.Concurrency);

Update 20131206

Confusingly I've added another method that uses the same approach (fetch - update some fields - save back) which does not cause the exception, so the problem must lie higher up. Perhaps some reference are being held.

1 Answer 1


For future reference I've figured it out. I'm using the one context per request approach. It would appear that there must be a reference being held somewhere in the context. If I change my code to the following then it works as expected.

using(AppEntities ae = new AppEntities()){
    var slot = ae.AppointmentSlots.Single(m => m.AppointmentSlotID == firstAppointmentSlotID);
    slot.ReturnAppointmentSlotID = returnAppointmentSlotID;
    ae.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(slot, EntityState.Modified);

The problem probably lies in the fact that I'm performing actions on related entities. (An appointment has a patient which has appointments each of which have a patient etc circular reference)

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