I have an existing project with a directory structure like public/angular/ . But in angular generator everything goes to app . How can I modify that behaviour and customise it ? .For starters I am just trying to change app folder to public/angular/

I tried first by changing the

 this.env.options.appPath = 'public/angular';

But this caused erratic behaviour casing some file to go into public/angular and rest into app/ . Currently bower_components and views and others(404.html and favicon.ico) are stuck in app/ rest are in public/angular

1 Answer 1


For current versions of bower&yo this requires changes in following places:

  • .bowerrc: "directory": "app/bower_components""directory": "public/angular/bower_components"
  • .gitignore: app/bower_componentspublic/angular/bower_components
  • bower.json: add property: "appPath": "public/angular" (https://github.com/yeoman/generator-angular#output)
  • karma.conf.js: all apppublic/angular

If you are starting from scratch, move app folder to public/angular after $ yo angular invocation.

  • @XMLilley: After all bullet #3 can be inferred by 5 min of googling :)
    – vucalur
    Feb 22, 2014 at 6:15

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