My models:

class InventoryItem(models.Model):
    quantity = models.IntegerField()

class Requisition(models.Model):
    from_inventoryitem = models.ForeignKey(InventoryItem)
    quantity = models.IntegerField()

Assuming that requisition has an OneToMany relation with inventory_item below, and the initial value of inventory_item.quantity is 0, When I excute:

>>> requisition = Requisition.objects.get(id=1)
>>> requisition.from_inventoryitem.quantity = 500
>>> requisition.save()

>>> requisition.from_inventoryitem.quantity
>>> inventory_item.quantity

>>> requisition.from_inventoryitem == inventory_item

The inventory_item.quantity in database and InventoryItem side is still 0. How can I update that change to the database?

1 Answer 1


This is by design. You have to save each instance seperately. requisition.from_inventoryitem actually queries the InventoryItem instance from the database, just to set the quantity.

requisition = Requisition.objects.get(id=1)
requisition.from_inventoryitem.quantity = 500 # this generates another query here!

or even better, with a single query, single save

inv_item = InventoryItem.objects.get(requisition_set__id=1)
inv_item.quantity = 500

best way. single database call:


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