I am allocating pointer to head structure using malloc, but I would like to have 'title' field have size of 100 char elements. How to properly do it?

struct tail{
    int x;

struct head{
    char *title;
    struct tail *next;

void function(){
    struct head *h;
    //this (program won't know how much to allocate for 'title':
    h = (struct head*)malloc(sizeof(struct head));

    //VS this (Segmentation fault (core dumped)):
    h->title = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*255);
    h->next = (struct tail*)malloc(sizeof(struct tail*));

    or maybe I should alloc h, then realloc title?
    If that's the answer, how will I free whole structure later?

ps. I am not using char title[100] on purpose.

edit note. (char) was a typo, I have (char*) in my code

  • Would you mind explaining your purpose of not using char title[100]? Dec 9, 2013 at 21:58
  • @hetepeperfan Mainly learning purposes. I know how to allocate this structure when using char title[100]. PS. Also this way I could set title's size to any needed size. (not always 100)
    – John Doe
    Dec 9, 2013 at 22:01
  • Since you are learning, it will be wise for you not to cast the result of malloc. One of your casts is actually wrong, while the other two are redundant and can actually mask real errors.
    – dreamlax
    Dec 9, 2013 at 22:12
  • you don't have to cast the void* that malloc returns in c, in c++ one should do this, however, than one would use new. Dec 9, 2013 at 22:17

3 Answers 3


Are you compiling with -wall?

If you look at this warning you should get

so.c:16:16: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]

The return value of malloc is a void pointer, which points to the piece of memory you are allocating - you are casting the address of the memory to a char, which is because you have missing out the pointer declaration * and thereby truncating the actual address, which then results in your segfault.

C does know how much memory to allocate for the struct from the start, as pointers have a fixed size, which is all that is being allocated when you do a malloc on your head/tail structure.


you could do someting like create a function that creates a struct head with a given title size. Remember that you must (should) also create a free_head function that is able to destroy an object created by the create_head fucntion below.

struct head* create_head( unsigned title_size) {
     struct tail* t = malloc (sizof(struct tail) );
     if ( ! tail ){
         return NULL;
     char* title = malloc ( title_size * sizeof(char) );
     if ( !title ){
          return NULL;
     struct head* h = malloc (sizeof (struct head) );
     if ( !head ){
         free (t);
         free (title);
         return NULL;
     head->title = title;
     head->next = t;
     return head;

Now you could simply use use the function like:

struct head* = create_head(100);

And then of course you need to write a some code the destroys the struct head properly otherwise you create a memory leak. Also rember that this function does not allocate one extra char for a terminating '\0' byte. to terminate a C string



Why not use the first way, and then allocate space for title?

h = malloc(sizeof(struct head));
h -> title = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
h -> next = malloc(sizeof(struct tail*));

The trick was to remember that title is a char * so all you need in h is space for a pointer, not the actual array.

You can free this simply by using:

free(h -> title);
free(h -> next);

The problem with your second method is that h wasn't allocated, so it segfaulted. Also, you were casting the result of malloc (a void *) to a char, which doesn't really make sense - I think you meant to cast to a char *, which isn't needed anyway, because C can convert from void * automatically.

  • You should not cast the result of malloc at all. There is no need, since C allows implicit conversion from pointer to void to pointer to object types.
    – dreamlax
    Dec 9, 2013 at 22:20

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