   var x = $(this).attr('id');
   $('#'+ x).css({'background':'rgb(204,51,51)'});

this works...

but after this doesn't work hover. what can I do to solve this problem?


<ul id="list">
  <li id="prod_info">Product information</li>
  <li id="additional_info">Aditional information</li>
  <li id="reviews">Reviews</li>
  <li id="share">Share</li>

-- css:

#list li:hover
    background: rgb(204,51,51);
    cursor: pointer;

Any ideas?

  • try $("*#list > li") and remove the find
    – Lefsler
    Dec 14, 2013 at 20:06
  • #Dude, in opera, chrome, firefox #demonofnight, I'll try
    – PiraTa
    Dec 14, 2013 at 20:08

3 Answers 3


It's because inline styles take priority over your #list li:hover styles. Ideally all styling (background colours) should be done in CSS, you can use JS to add classes and allow CSS to take over.

Also remember to keep your transition in the regular style not :hover if you still want it to transition when it's fading out as well.

How about this:



$('#list li').click(function(){
    $('#list li').removeClass('active');


#list li {
    transition:background ease 0.6s;

#list li.active,
#list li:hover
    background: rgb(204,51,51);
    cursor: pointer;

As opposed to using !important, why not just fix the issue?

jsFiddle example

I rewrote the jQuery:

$('#list li').click(function () {


.selected {
    background:rgb(42, 43, 44);
#list li:hover, .highlighted {
    background: rgb(204, 51, 51);
    cursor: pointer;


#list li:hover
    background: rgb(204,51,51);

Will be overwritten by the style="" attribute that jQuery will give to the element after the click.

A possible solution you may want to consider is this

#list li:hover
    background: rgb(204,51,51) !important;

Add !important to the CSS background property on hover. It's usually discouraged so the developer will have to develop a better designed template. But in this particular case, it fits your needs



Example working without important.

This is better.

    var x = $(this).attr('id');
    $('#'+ x).addClass('clicked');

As you can see I used addCass and now jQuery doesn't give the style attribute to the element so nothing is overwritten.

Of course, there's the new css too

#list li:hover, #list li.clicked
    background: rgb(204,51,51);
   cursor: pointer;

.other {
    background: rgb(42,43,44);
  • I suggested both !important way and a better jquery way explaining what i did and linking documentation. A vote down may only come from someone who just have red the first lines and I suggest to read the full post before judge. Dec 14, 2013 at 20:35

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