This question states:

It is amazing how many users don't know about the rm ./-rf or rm -- -rf tricks.

I am afraid to try these, but curious as to what they do. They are also very difficult to search...

Can someone enlighten me?

  • 2
    "They are also very difficult to search..." - yes, google tends to ignore all punctuation. But there's a search engine specifically for punctuation at symbolhound.com which was created by another SO user. Searching for rm -- results yields this question as the fourth result whose answers explain both cases.
    – l4mpi
    Dec 17, 2013 at 18:19

3 Answers 3


rm ./-rf and/or rm -- -rf would attempt to remove a file named, specifically, -rf

The only trick here is that you normally can't delete a file that starts with a "-" because the command will assume it's a command argument. By preceding the file with a full path, or using the -- option (which means, end all options) the command will no longer assume it's an argument.

It should be noted that the -- version of this trick may or may not work with all shell commands either, so it's best to use the first version.

  • 1
    The shell makes no assumptions about the command arguments; it simply passes them through. It is the rm command itself that interprets -rf as control options and not as a file name. Dec 17, 2013 at 17:17
  • You're right @JonathanLeffler, I've updated the answer to clarify.
    – Donovan
    Dec 17, 2013 at 17:23

If you have a file named -rf in your directory, it is difficult to remove that file if you don't know the trick. That's because:

rm -rf

supplies two command line options (-r and -f) as a single argument, and tells rm to recursively and forcibly remove things.

If you write:

rm ./-rf

the argument does not start with a dash any more, so it is simply a file name. Similarly, by common (but not universal) convention, -- marks the end of the option arguments and anything afterwards is no longer an option (which usually means it is a file name). So:

rm -- -rf

removes the file because rm knows that the arguments that follow the -- are file names, not options for it to process.

The file -rf is even more dangerous if you use wildcards:

rm *rf*

Suddenly, this will remove directories as well as files (but won't harm the file -rf).

  • 2
    Wow, rm *rf* does not do what I expected. Wildcards as options! That's scary! Dec 17, 2013 at 21:24

Not a complete answer, as I think the other answers give good explanations.

When I'm unsure what a given rm invocation is going to delete, I try to remember to simply ls the file list first to make sure it is actually what I want to delete:

$ ls -rf
-rf  ..  .

OK, clearly thats not right, lets try again:

$ ls ./-rf

Thats better. Lets do a history replacement of ls with rm -v (-v just for extra paranoia/checking) and do the actual delete:

$ rm -v !!:*
rm -v ./-rf
removed `./-rf'

This also works nicely with wildcards, brace expansions, etc, when you're not sure what the expansion will be exactly.

Also if you're wondering how files like -rf get created in the first place, its astonishingly easy if you mess up a redirection a bit:

$ ls
$ echo > -rf
$ ls

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