(Very newbie in R) I have a set of coordinates that I want to visualize using hexbin.

bin <- with(mydata,hexbin(x=add, y=rem, xbins=50))

When I use this, it creates a hexbin plot with count specifying which colours were assigned to which bins. I want to change the way bins are created so that it is in intervals from 0-10, 10-100, 100-1000 etc rather than equal sized bins. I played around with trans and inv options in plot with log10 transform, but this does not seem to be doing what I want it to do. How do I accomplish this?

  • is this a related post: stackoverflow.com/questions/7305803/…
    – alittleboy
    Dec 18, 2013 at 7:31
  • @alittleboy It appears that only the last post in that link actually splits the bins, and I could not understand what the ggplot does. I am very new at R and not quite familiar with ggplot (can I do this with plot?). I would appreciate any explanations. Dec 18, 2013 at 7:44
  • I am not sure if in base R graphics we can change the size of bins to be unequal... ggplot2 is a nice and useful package that is more powerful and elegant. I suggest taking a look at it (most likely only in ggplot2 will the question be solved)
    – alittleboy
    Dec 18, 2013 at 7:59
  • I would be happy with ggplot2 also, hopefully with a sample application of how to split the bins using a transform. I find the linked question hard to understand. Dec 18, 2013 at 8:42

2 Answers 2


hexbin generates S4 object, hence you can log transform the data once you generate the hexplot object.


# generate some sample data
add <- rnorm(mean=1.5, 50000)^2
rem <- rnorm(mean=1.6, 50000)
mydata <- data.frame(add,rem)

# generate non-tranformed plot with undesired binning
bin <- hexbin(mydata, xbins=50)

enter image description here

# transform data to create log-bins
bin@count <- ceiling(log10(bin@count)) + 1 

enter image description here

However, I did not manage to make nice legend with it. There is a room for improvement.


You can use this code:

bin <- with(mydata,hexbin(x=add, y=rem, xbins=50))
cr <- colorRampPalette(c('gray','blue'))

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