i am developing a small program but i'm stuck with an error.

I have an xml file that i parse, and i get the info that i want in with a function. Structure looks like this:

takeall :: [Element] -> (String,String,(String,String),(String,String))

Works fine. Next i have some more functions, that basicly make a virtual board with coordinates. If it's empty it will just return spaces in the strings, if not it will return the info i took up there without the first pair of strings. That pair represents the coordinates and i don't need that anymore

So that function looks like this:

vboard :: [Element] -> [[(String,String, (String,String))]]

if i print this out, this is just fine.

Now this is the part where it gets messy. I want to make a new board based on the vboard result. So i have two functions. First one is transform

transform :: (String,String,(String,String)) -> [String]
transform (p,o,(pl,ml)) | (p,o,(pl,ml)) == ("A","N",("","")) = ["aaa","aaa","aaa"]
transform (p,o,(pl,ml)) | (p,o,(pl,ml)) == ("B","N",("","")) = ["bbb","bbb","bbb"]
transform (p,o,(pl,ml)) | (p,o,(pl,ml)) == ("C","N",("","")) = ["ccc","ccc","ccc"]

As you may see, this is just for a single element. To use this i implement another function.

final :: [[(String,String,(String,String))]] -> [[[String]]]
final l = map (map (transform)) l

Ok so if i had a this for a vboard "results", a board with two lines it would look something like this right?


then if i apply final function to this result i want the outcome to be


but when i run this in ghci it give me an error

Invalid type signature final [[(String,String,(String,String))]] -> [[[String]]]
Should be of form <variable> :: <type> 

i am new to haskell(and english isn't my first language so i don't understand some more technical stuff), so can you explain what this error means and how should i fix it?


EDIT: You can have a look in the full code in here


it has different names on the functions, but you can spot them easly.

  • It might be a problem with your definition of transform. If you're using guards, you don't have to retype the transform (p,o,(pl,ml)) part repeatedly, just line up your guards (|) on following lines.
    – bheklilr
    Dec 18, 2013 at 21:37
  • If I do > type Funky = (String,String,(String,String)), > let transform :: Funky -> [String]; transform = undefined, > let final :: [[Funky]] -> [[[String]]]; final = map (map transform) it type checks for me in GHC
    – bheklilr
    Dec 18, 2013 at 21:39
  • Give me a sec to try it ill give you the result :) Thanks for your time to help :)
    – Pedro Lino
    Dec 18, 2013 at 21:43
  • If you need some help reformatting your guards, look at Learn You A Haskell's examples.
    – bheklilr
    Dec 18, 2013 at 21:47
  • Nop, it still gives me the same error but now instead of [[(String,String...etc]] it says [[Funky]]
    – Pedro Lino
    Dec 18, 2013 at 21:47

2 Answers 2


Here is the problem-

drawfinal2 l :: [[Funky]] -> [[[String]]]

You have an extra l in the definition. If you remove it, the problem should go away.

  • Ok nice eye :D Now i have a new problem. How can i change the transform function so it only needs the first two parameters? I just want to take it if p and the o matches and ignore the rest.
    – Pedro Lino
    Dec 18, 2013 at 22:29
  • transform ("A","N",_) = ["aaa","aaa","aaa"].... The "_" matches anything, and you don't need a guard here, by typing in the strings you enforce that only that case will be pattern matched in this case.
    – jamshidh
    Dec 18, 2013 at 23:16
  • Hi there jamshidh, the problem with that is that i have to do one by one. can you come in the chat so i can explain in more detail? chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/43461/…
    – Pedro Lino
    Dec 18, 2013 at 23:26

To debug type issues like these, I try to comment out the offending type declaration (in your case final :: [[... and compile with -Wall to see what type GHC infers by itself - if it at all compiles.

GHC gives you the awesome tool of type inference, it's worth using.

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