I have a webpage that makes around 150 HTTP Requests upon loading. I am told to make this webpage work offline by using HTML app cache to cache literally every single file. That is, every image, HTML, CSS, JS file, and any other files needed to load the webpage.

Never mind that the cache section in the manifest file does not allow me to use wildcards, so I'd have to write down all 150 urls (I can write a python script to do that). But my instincts tell me this is a very, very bad idea.

Can someone tell me exactly how bad it is, and why? Or am I just being too paranoid, and this is okay?

Anything will be appreciated. Thank you.

  • I'd really look into solutions to combine your CSS, JS resources... regardless of the offline problem
    – reto
    Dec 20, 2013 at 20:44
  • Unfortunately, I am not allowed to touch the original for the website, other than changing <html> to <html manifest="manifestFile.appcache">. Dec 20, 2013 at 20:50

1 Answer 1


If it must save all data try using some of these techniques recommended by google.

Minimize request overhead

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