I'll try to be as specific as i can here, so here's the query using MsAccess.

SELECT MsThread.ID, 
COUNT(MsThread.ThreadName) AS TotalPost 
FROM MsThread 
ON MsThread.ThreadName = MsPosts.ThreadName 
GROUP BY MsThread.ID, MsThread.ThreadName, MsThread.ThreadCategory

When I ran the query in MsAccess it returns this:enter image description here

It shows that I have 4 rows ( # of threads ), and the number 5,2,1,1 is the number of posts with specified threads. Here I've been trying to get the resultset to return 4 instead of 9 so I can loop it without no invalid cursor state error.

int row = rs.getRow();

that returns 8, so i am guessing its returning how many process thats done. so how do i get it to return 4 similar to the COUNT function?

Thanks a lot!!

  • Just so you're aware, the rows returning TotalPost = 1 are not guaranteed to actually have a row. Your use of LEFT JOIN means that rows in MsPosts aren't required, so if there isn't a row it just counts the single row in MsThread. I also doubt that that's the query you're running, giving that threadcategory is shown in your results, but the column isn't part of your SELECT list. Dec 31, 2013 at 6:44

1 Answer 1


rs, I'm assuming, is the resultant recordset that your SQL returns? If so, you can do:


X = rs.RecordCount

X should equal 4 in this case, since you have 4 records in your recordset.

I don't think you want to use "row" as a variable name, as that is a reserved word and will probably cause issues when you try to reference it. Make your life easier and call it "RowX" or something that's not reserved.

  • Hey how do you do so in JSP? I can't use MoveFirst and MoveLast.
    – kenlz
    Jan 1, 2014 at 16:54
  • This question was tagged with MS Access and SQL. You should edit ti and tag it with JSP, I don't know that language at all. Sorry. :o( Jan 2, 2014 at 0:51

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