I need to replace https://9S&Re with https://9S#Re so that I can avoid split logic. My objective is it get key as "user_image" and value as "https://9S&Re". But when I use split with '&' it gives me wrong results. So I am trying for regex pattern which will check between &*& if there is not equals inbetween means there is an ampersand symbol in the one of the query value. Any help is really appreciated.

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;

    import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
    import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils;

    public class OAuthTest {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                //HashMap paramHashMap=new HashMap();           
                List<NameValuePair> args2= URLEncodedUtils.parse("tool=canvas&tool_guid=8314&user_image=https://9S&Re&launch_presentation_document_target=iframe", Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
                for (NameValuePair arg:args2)

            } catch (Exception e) {


1 Answer 1


In the for loop, are you trying to replace & with #? Your arguments are switched.

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