I previously asked this question, and got one plug-in to work. Now, I'm trying to get another plug-in to work using the solution for the first plug-in, but that solution isn't working.

I'm trying to get this plug-in to work, but the chrome console spits out this error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined :3000/js/libs/textarea_auto_expand.js:41

My code is this:

    paths: {
      jquery: '/js/libs/jquery/jquery-2.0.3',
     underscore: '/js/libs/underscore/underscore-min',
     backbone: '/js/libs/backbone/backbone-min',
  //text: '/js/libs/text'
 templates: '../templates'
 ,sockets: '/socket.io/socket.io' 
 ,rangyInputs: '/js/libs/rangyinputs-jquery-1.1.2'
 , textareaAutoExpand: 'js/libs/textarea_auto_expand'

shim: {
  'Backbone': ['Underscore', 'jQuery'],
  'sockets': {exports: 'io'}, 
  'rangyinputs-jquery': {deps: ['jquery'], exports: '$'}, 
  'textarea_auto_expand': {deps: ['jquery'], exports: '$'}


  require(['jquery', 'router', 'libs/a_myLib/keydownHandler', 'libs/textarea_auto_expand' ], 
function($, router, keydownHandler, ta_ae){
$("body").on("keydown", "textarea", keydownHandler);

1 Answer 1


The problem is that, you used path name jquery, but specified jQuery in you Backbones deps:

'Backbone': ['Underscore', 'jQuery'],

Again, here is working example of main.js


<!doctype html>
        <script data-main="main" src="require.js"></script>


    paths : {
        jquery : 'jquery-2.0.3',
        'rangyinputs-jquery' : 'rangyinputs-jquery-1.1.2',
        textareaAutoExpand: 'js/libs/textarea_auto_expand'
    shim : {
        'rangyinputs-jquery' : {deps : ['jquery'], exports : '$'},
        'textarea_auto_expand': {deps: ['jquery'], exports: '$'}

require(['jquery', 'rangyinputs-jquery', 'textarea_auto_expand'], function($) {
    console.log('Type of $.fn.textareaAutoExpand ' + typeof $.fn.textareaAutoExpand );
    var t = $('<textarea/>').textareaAutoExpand();
  • Thanks! This gets rid of the console error, but the text-areas aren't actually expanding.
    – curtissv
    Jan 5, 2014 at 19:57
  • Updated example. They do expand in this case. Jan 5, 2014 at 20:01
  • It doesn't work for me. I thought it might be because the textareas I was using were dynamically added, so I tried directly adding one to the HTML. No Luck. I think I'm just going to switch to browserify, since this is a really small project that doesn't need to be too performant.
    – curtissv
    Jan 5, 2014 at 20:24

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