At the moment I have following code:

val mockXmlRpc = mock[XmlRpcClient]

During the test execute methid is called few times with different String arrays and I just need to return empty String to all of these calls.

How can I achieve this without writing custom matchers for each call?

2 Answers 2


Turns out there is a solution to this lurking in EasyMock documentation

mockXmlRpc.execute("foo.", isA(classOf[Array[Object]])).andReturn("").anyTimes()
  • I keep getting punted back to this old page although EasyMock is on 3.5 now and 'classOf' isn't available anymore. Does anyone have an updated answer?
    – k-den
    Sep 22, 2017 at 23:07

For a String array, do this:

mockXmlRpc.execute("foo.", EasyMock.anyObject(String[].class)).andReturn(someMockObj);

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