I am using a mvc framework and I am stuck on a part.

In my frontcontroller, I have the following code:

class FrontController extends Controller {

    public function index() {
        $view_vars = array(
            'page_title' => 'Home',
            'page' => 'home'

        $this->render("default_layout", $view_vars);

     public function create(){
        $view_vars = array(
            'page_title' => 'Create Your Own MyChoice Package',
            'page' => 'home'

        $this->render("default_layout", $view_vars);


Futher to this I have a php file in my views folder as follows:

<img class="imageCreate" src ="<?php print $theme_url; ?>images/create.jpg" />
<a href="create"><img class="BtnCreate" src="<?php print $theme_url; ?>images/vvv"/> </a>
<a href="predefined-package"> <img class="BtnChoose" src="<?php print $theme_url; ?>

The problem is I have created the function "create" in my controller but when triggering it, it is returning not found.

Even when I do


it returns not found.

Please help.


  • Can we see your Router?
    – Ohgodwhy
    Jan 11, 2014 at 8:20
  • What Framework are you using? Looks like Yii?
    – luttkens
    Jan 11, 2014 at 8:24
  • Thanks all, I managed. The path need to be "?create". @luttkens It is not Yii but rather another one build by bits from online tutorials.
    – pris
    Jan 11, 2014 at 8:29


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