I'm trying to use the OpenCV library (Java version). I found some code written in C++and I'm trying to rewrite it to Java. However, I can't understand one construction.

Here is the C++ code:

void scaleDownImage(cv::Mat &originalImg,cv::Mat &scaledDownImage )
    for(int x=0;x<16;x++)
        for(int y=0;y<16 ;y++)
            int yd =ceil((float)(y*originalImg.cols/16));
            int xd = ceil((float)(x*originalImg.rows/16));
            scaledDownImage.at<uchar>(x,y) = originalImg.at<uchar>(xd,yd);


I can't understand how to translate this line:

scaledDownImage.at<uchar>(x,y) = originalImg.at<uchar>(xd,yd);
  • The generic specifier is placed before the method name in Java. Jan 15, 2014 at 16:48

3 Answers 3


have a look at the Mat accessor functions here: http://docs.opencv.org/java/org/opencv/core/Mat.html#get(int,%20int)

so, to translate your example:

scaledDownImage.at<uchar>(r,c) = originalImg.at<uchar>(rd,cd); // c++

would be :

byte [] pixel = new byte[1]; // byte[3] for rgb
originalImg.get( rd, cd, pixel );
scaledDownImage.put( r,c, pixel );

note, that it's (row,col), not (x,y) !

  • Thanks. Will try to use this.
    – Lubchak
    Jan 15, 2014 at 9:53

uchar = unsigned char.

This statement:


returns unsigned char(I guess, pointer) at positions(x,y).

So, in java it will be like:

unsigned char scaledDownImageChar = scaledDownImage.charAt(x, y);
scaledDownImageChar = originalImg.charAt(x, y);

This is not real code, just an example.


It is called template, search generics for java.

Basically, the "at" method´s code uses some type T
(don´t know if it is called T or something else)
which could be int, float, char, any class...
just something which is unspecified at the moment

And in this case, you´re calling the method with T being an uchar

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