I'm using Jinja2 and Google App Engine.

I identify my models with integer num:

class TestModel(db.Model):
    value = db.StringProperty()
    num = db.IntegerProperty()

and have a class for editing the value:

class Edit(Handler):
    def get(self):
        #show input box with value, let user edit value, render page with num

    def post(self):
        #get new value, filter database for model instance BY NUM and replace with new value

I need to store num on the page so I can retrieve it for the post method but I don't want the page to display it.

I tried:

<span name = "num" value = "{{num}}"></span>

and in the post method I have

 num = self.request.get('num')
 logging.error("NUM: %s" % num)

But when I run this, num doesn't show in the logs (I have "NUM: ") and I get

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

When I render the page, the source code shows that num is there. Why isn't this code properly retrieving num?

1 Answer 1


Have you tried putting the field into a hidden input element. i.e.

<input type="hidden" name="..." value="..."/>

Also make sure that the value you are trying to retrieve in your post is within the form tags.

  • That was it, thank you. Why does the input tag work and not the span tag?
    – mango
    Jan 15, 2014 at 15:57

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