I have a table with a single span element in td.

            <td id="td">
                <span id="span1">this is span1</span>

I create a jQuery tooltip for span1.

    content: function(){
        return "tooltip_span1";
    items: $('#span1')

I update the content of td adding a second span with id 'span2' by concatenating.

var tdHtml = $('#td').html();
tdHtml+="<br> <span id=\"span2\">this is span2</span>"

I add a tooltip for span2 which will be displayed correctly.

    content: function(){
        return "tooltip_span2";
    items: $('#span2')

However, the tooltip of span1 is not displayed anymore after updating the td content. Why?

Please see a jsFiddle example here.

Thanks very much for your answers.

2 Answers 2


You should use append, right now you are deleting and re-adding span1 (and removing previously added behavior)

$('#td').append("<br> <span id=\"span2\">this is span2</span>");



It looks like it's because you are treating the existing code as HTML and that the DOM reference is lost. It will work if instead you append a DOM fragment.

var newSpan = $('<span id="span2">this is span2</span>');

See this fiddle for complete code: http://jsfiddle.net/harveyramer/b3xGM/1/

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