Hello I'm trying to stop the p2p service from starting, and I have tried using the command below in an included init.projectnamehere.rc

on property:net.wifi.p2p=1
class main
net.wifi.p2p stop

I have also tried, this in the build.prop

sys.settings.global wifi_p2p_enable=false

I also tried

setprop net.wifi.p2p=DISABLED

My guess is I'm on the right track since I once disabled the entire wifi mod.

NOTES: yes in the init.rc I have the import init.projectnamehere.rc line. Android 4.2.2 SDK 17

1 Answer 1


in /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf add this: p2p_disabled=1

or in "human" language:

adb remount adb shell echo 'p2p_disabled=1' >> /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf

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