i need some advise on how do i create Creating Custom Panorama Tiles for creating the custom street view

i am able to create equirectange panorama of 10000x5000 but i saw that i need to slice them into tiles.

i am also confuse over how should i label them.

[return 'images/panoReception1024-' + zoom + '-' + tileX + '-' +tileY +'.jpg']

this is the example i got from the google street view document help.

but , assume i have a 3000x1500, and i set the tile size to 512, i need to create 12X6? am i right?

then how do i create the different zoom level?

  1. Zoom 0 is the original file?

  2. Zoom 1/2/3/4, how do i create the tiles for them and how do i label them?

hope can get some advise

thank u for reading and helping


2 Answers 2


I don't know if you've found an answer, yet.

Essentially, you have to break the panorama pic into 8 columns and 4 rows.

So the top row from left to right would be:
panoReception-0-0.jpg, panoReception-1-0.jpg,...,panoReception-8-0.jpg

The second row from left to right would be:
panoReception-0-1.jpg, panoReception-1-1.jpg,...,panoReception-8-1.jpg

I found full instructions on this website: http://googlemaps.googlermania.com/google_maps_api_v3/en/custom_streetview/3.html

  • Ideally the tiles should be of dimensions: 256 x 256 pixels
  • Resize your panoramic to this size: 8192 x 4096 pixels
  • The images get loaded as a pyramid, at various zoom levels
  • The zoom levels are 0,1,2,3,4. Optionally you may also use a level 5.

        var heightY = Math.pow(2, zoom - 1);
        var widthX = 2 * heightY;
  • The above JavaScript code shows the image dimensions at various pyramid (zoom) levels

  • Loop your code to slice images. Following is your counter for x and y axis.

        var xCount = widthX / 256;
        var yCount = heightY / 256;
  • The tile format is pano_z_x_y.jpeg, where z is zoom. x is horizontal count, and y is vertical count for the required tile image

  • At zoom 0, you get single image pano_0_0_0.jpeg
  • At zoom 1, you get two images pano_1_0_0.jpeg & pano_1_1_0.jpeg
  • At zoom 2, you get 8 images
  • At zoom 3, you get 32 images
  • At zoom 4, you get 128 images

Pass over these images to your JavaScript function as below:

function getCustomPanoramaTileUrl(pano, zoom, tileX, tileY) 
      return 'pano' + '_' + zoom + '_' + tileX + '_' + tileY + '.jpeg';

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