New to ruby. I have an array created by nokogiri like this :

Array = ["10:31 Main title", ...]

It is a schedule in the format hour:minute title. Now I have a time, say 10:35 and I want to find the entry in the array with the nearest lower number (time and title). It is like what is playing now?

How can I do this in ruby? I am at a blank here...

Thank you

  • 1
    It means with the nearest lower number (time and title) ? Feb 3, 2014 at 22:27
  • Sorry. Output should be time (10:31) and title (main title) of the item with the nearest earlier time. And yes it would be a 24 time format and would already be sorted
    – Macrumpel
    Feb 4, 2014 at 13:28
  • @Macrumpel Why is the answer I provided not correct? With the var t1 set to 10:35, you get this: "#{a2.first} #{h1[a2.first].sort.first}" # => "10:36 C.H.U.D." Feb 4, 2014 at 18:23
  • Sorry. Your answer is very well. Thank you very much. It did solve my problem
    – Macrumpel
    Feb 5, 2014 at 12:37

4 Answers 4


You can achieve this using bsearch like below

a = [1, 4, 8, 11, 97]

a.bsearch {|x| x >= 7} # which results 8

  • +1 for pointing out Array#bsearch. Note that this method is available since Ruby 2.0
    – mikezter
    Feb 26, 2014 at 12:32

You're going to have to walk the array and parse each entry. You'll also have to take into consideration whether the times are 12-hour or 24-hour, e.g. "10:31 Main Title" does that mean 10:31 AM or PM (in 12 hour clock). If its a 24-hour clock then 10:31 is 10:31 [am] and you'll also have 22:31 to reflect 10:31 [pm].

So you could walk the array, parsing each entry and then building a new structure which you can sort by. Ultimately you can get the lowest value and then just find the index of that entry in the original array.

  • Very good points, you have mentioned. although did you get with the nearest lower number (time and title) ? Feb 3, 2014 at 22:31
  • I'm not sure what that means: with the nearest lower number (time and title) Feb 3, 2014 at 22:32
require 'date'
a1 = ["10:31 The Beastmaster", "10:36 C.H.U.D.", "11:30 Goonies", "11:30 Krull", "11:59 Batteries Not Included"]
#=> ["10:31 The Beastmaster", "10:36 C.H.U.D.", "11:30 Goonies", "11:30 Krull", "11:59 Batteries Not Included"]
h1 = {}; a1.each {|x| m = x.match(/(\d{1,2}:\d{2})\s+(\w.*)/); h1[m[1]] ||= []; h1[m[1]] << m[2]}; h1 # => hash with times as keys and array of titles as corresponding values
#=> {"10:31"=>["The Beastmaster"], "10:36"=>["C.H.U.D."], "11:30"=>["Goonies", "Krull"], "11:59"=>["Batteries Not Included"]}
t1 = DateTime.rfc3339('2014-02-03T10:35:00-08:00').to_time.to_i
#=> 1391452500
within_an_hour = 60 * 60
#=> 3600
t2 = t1 + within_an_hour
#=> 1391456100
a2 = h1.keys.partition {|x| x > Time.at(t1).strftime("%I:%M")}[0] # => all upcoming times
#=> ["10:36", "11:30", "11:59"]
h2 = {}; a2.each {|x| h2[x] = h1[x]}; h2 # => all upcoming show times with corresponding titles
#=> {"10:36"=>["C.H.U.D."], "11:30"=>["Goonies", "Krull"], "11:59"=>["Batteries Not Included"]}
a3 = a2.partition {|x| x < Time.at(t2).strftime("%I:%M")}[0] # => upcoming times within an hour
#=> ["10:36", "11:30"]
h3 = {}; a3.each {|x| h3[x] = h1[x]}; h3 # => upcoming show times with corresponding titles within an hour
#=> {"10:36"=>["C.H.U.D."], "11:30"=>["Goonies", "Krull"]}

using the above code in a method:

require 'date'
def what_is_playing_now(time, a1=["10:31 The Beastmaster", "10:36 C.H.U.D.", "11:30 Goonies", "11:30 Krull", "11:59 Batteries Not Included"])
  h1 = {}; a1.each {|x| m = x.match(/(\d{1,2}:\d{2})\s+(\w.*)/); h1[m[1]] ||= []; h1[m[1]] << m[2]}; h1 # => hash with times as keys and array of titles as corresponding values
  t1 = DateTime.rfc3339("2014-02-03T#{time}:00-08:00").to_time.to_i
  a2 = h1.keys.partition {|x| x > Time.at(t1).strftime("%I:%M")}[0] # => all upcoming times
  h2 = {}; a2.each {|x| h2[x] = h1[x]}; h2 # => all upcoming show times with corresponding titles
  "#{a2.first} #{h2[a2.first].sort.first}"
#=> "10:36 C.H.U.D."



Since your array contains strings starting with numbers, these can be nicely sorted naturally.

my_array.sort.reverse.find{ |i| i < "10:35" }

This will sort your array in ascending order, then reverse it, and finally return the first item for which the block returns true.

If you are at Ruby version > 2.0, you can also use Array#bsearch:

my_array.sort.bsearch{ |i| i < "10:35" }

This will sort your array and will then use a binary search approach to finding the desired item (Thanks @ala for pointing this out).

These simple lines of code expect the time to be in 24h format with leading zeros (i.e. hh:mm), since it depends on comparing the lines lexicographically.

  • Mike, you should perhaps note that this requires a 24-hour clock and leading zeros on times before 10:00. I think you mean it works because the time is at the beginning of the string, not because the strings start with numbers. Also, you don't need to sort; select, then max would probably be faster. Feb 4, 2014 at 0:15
  • Thanks @CarySwoveland i added a note about 24h format. the performance characteristics of max and sort are probably out of scope for this question.
    – mikezter
    Feb 24, 2014 at 17:04
  • for that to work, one would have the hh:mm strings to be actual numbers.
    – mikezter
    Feb 26, 2014 at 12:24

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