I am trying to convert string in following format: 20130817T140000Z(17th Aug 2013 at 14:00) to epoch time (seconds since 1970) in an MS Excel 2013.

Tried cell formatting, but it doesn't work with T and Z or the format in general.

5 Answers 5


This will convert your date into somethign Excel will understand, If you have your date in Cell A1, Then convert that into Epoch Time

=(DATE(LEFT(A1,4),MID(A1,5,2),MID(A1,7,2)) + TIME(MID(A1,10,2),MID(A1,12,2),MID(A1,14,2))-25569)*86400)

Try this:

A3=(DATEDIF("01/01/1970 00:00:00",A2,"D")+TIME(MID(A1,10,2),MID(A1,12,2),MID(A1,14,2)))*24*60*60

A1 is your input date as text, A2 is a formatted date, and A3 is a seconds difference between your date and epoch start date.

Useful link

Update: based on @user2140261 suggestions.

  • 1
    I do not think this is correct, I think DateDif is messing up your calculations, Refer t5o my answer, I manually get the Difference by subtracting 1/1/1970 (25569), then multiply by the Seconds 86400, While you are also doing it by seconds (24*60*60 = 86400) i think your DateDif function is off, this function is known to mess up dates, you can research this, and that is the exact reason it is not supported by excel, no help. Feb 4, 2014 at 16:14
  • 1
    It actual is not the DateDif function, it is because you are dropping the time value when you use the DateDif, Try instead, A2=DATE(LEFT(A1,4),MID(A1,5,2),MID(A1,7,2)) And A3=(DATEDIF("01/01/1970 00:00:00",A2,"D")+TIME(MID(A1,10,2),MID(A1,12,2),MID(A1,14,2)))*86400 Feb 4, 2014 at 16:23

Assuming the string to convert is in cell B1 you can use the following with a custom format on the cell to get the date/time.


The custom format is:

dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss
  • 1
    @Fearghal You do realize this does not even answer your question, correct? This gets the Excel Time, or a Number from 1/1/1900, you asked for Epoch, a time from 1/1/1970. Feb 4, 2014 at 16:15
  • Yes but i settled for datetime - i can do conversion myself. If you want to post the epoch time solution too, that would be great.
    – Fearghal
    Feb 4, 2014 at 16:47
  • The base of this issue is the conversion of a string to a datetime value. This resolves that issue. I agree that it doesn't convert to Epoch, but it gives a starting point.
    – Hooloovoo
    Feb 4, 2014 at 17:11

This will get you the date with accuracy to the minute. You can follow the pattern to get seconds if necessary.

  • This is extremly convoluted, and only gets the Excel Time, not the Epoch Time.Plus the OP is asking for Seconds accurancy, not Minute. Feb 4, 2014 at 16:09

You could use this version to convert your string to Epoch time

=(TEXT(LEFT(A1,8)&MID(A1,10,6),"0000-00-00 00\:00\:00")-25569)*86400

This uses TEXT function to convert your string into a string that looks like a valid date/time - when you subtract 25569 (1/1/1970) that will co-erce that string to a valid date/time and the result can be multiplied by the number of seconds in a day to get Epoch time

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