
I have the following line that I scrape directly off an html page. I want to process it to extract information from it:

var quoteDataObj = [{"symbol":".DJIA","symbolType":"symbol","code":0,"name":"Dow Jones Industrial Average","shortName":"DJIA","last":"15794.08","exchange":"Dow Jones Global Indexes","source":"Exchange","open":"15630.64","high":"15798.51","low":"15625.53","change":"165.55","currencyCode":"USD","timeZone":"EST","provider":"CNBC Quote Cache","altSymbol":".DJIA","curmktstatus":"REG_MKT","realTime":"true","assetType":"INDEX","noStreaming":"true","encodedSymbol":".DJIA"}]

I am using python to process the string above which I've saved into the variable "line". . I'm trying to write a regular expression that gets


However, I don't know what the number will be so I can't just search that. I've tried the following but with no luck:

last = re.search(r".*last\":.*\,", line)


  • What is line? What's this var keyword supposed to do? Are you sure you're using Python?
    – Wooble
    Feb 9, 2014 at 4:22
  • 2
    strip off that javascript, throw the rest in json.loads.
    – roippi
    Feb 9, 2014 at 4:25
  • Please see my revised edits. Feb 9, 2014 at 4:26

3 Answers 3


r'"low":".*?"' should work for you.

>>> re.search(r'"low":".*?"', text).group()
cruft,sep,payload = s.partition(' = ')

from ast import literal_eval # or 100% equivalent for this purpose, json.loads

d_in_list = literal_eval(payload)

Then you just have a regular dict in a list.

{'altSymbol': '.DJIA',
 'assetType': 'INDEX',
 'change': '165.55',
 'code': 0,
 'curmktstatus': 'REG_MKT',
 'currencyCode': 'USD',
 'encodedSymbol': '.DJIA',
 'exchange': 'Dow Jones Global Indexes',
 'high': '15798.51',
 'last': '15794.08',
 'low': '15625.53',
 'name': 'Dow Jones Industrial Average',
 'noStreaming': 'true',
 'open': '15630.64',
 'provider': 'CNBC Quote Cache',
 'realTime': 'true',
 'shortName': 'DJIA',
 'source': 'Exchange',
 'symbol': '.DJIA',
 'symbolType': 'symbol',
 'timeZone': 'EST'}

Out[16]: '15625.53'

Though really there is a 99% chance that there exists an actual API where you can submit a query and get the above json response back without having to scrape a webpage and do janky parsing.

  • This works great as well, unfortunately, i couldn't find an API but for something this small, it works either way. Thanks for pointing me in this direction too! Feb 9, 2014 at 4:44

Another way is to strip the var ... prefix and deal with the string as a JSON object:

>>> import json
>>> data = 'var quoteDataObj = [{"symbol":".DJIA","symbolType":"symbol","code":0,"name":"Dow Jones Industrial Average","shortName":"DJIA","last":"15794.08","exchange":"Dow Jones Global Indexes","source":"Exchange","open":"15630.64","high":"15798.51","low":"15625.53","change":"165.55","currencyCode":"USD","timeZone":"EST","provider":"CNBC Quote Cache","altSymbol":".DJIA","curmktstatus":"REG_MKT","realTime":"true","assetType":"INDEX","noStreaming":"true","encodedSymbol":".DJIA"}]'
>>> json.loads(data[data.find('['):])
[{u'altSymbol': u'.DJIA', u'code': 0, u'last': u'15794.08', u'name': u'Dow Jones Industrial Average', u'noStreaming': u'true', u'exchange': u'Dow Jones Global Indexes', u'assetType': u'INDEX', u'symbol': u'.DJIA', u'realTime': u'true', u'symbolType': u'symbol', u'high': u'15798.51', u'source': u'Exchange', u'encodedSymbol': u'.DJIA', u'low': u'15625.53', u'provider': u'CNBC Quote Cache', u'curmktstatus': u'REG_MKT', u'timeZone': u'EST', u'shortName': u'DJIA', u'open': u'15630.64', u'currencyCode': u'USD', u'change': u'165.55'}]
>>> json_str = data[data.find('['):]  # Take everything from the first [ in the string
>>> json.loads(json_str)[0]['low']

You can retrieve every attributes from your array then.

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