I want to select all the records where FeeZoneID doesn't exist in second linq output.

I know it can easily done in SQL using NOT IN(....) but i do it in LINQ???

from d in FeeZones
where d.FeeZoneID !(from b in FeeZoneSchemes
    where b.FeeSchemeID == 1
    join c in FeeZones on b.FeeZoneID equals c.FeeZoneID
    select c)
 select d

In my C# class this is how I am doing :

   public IList<FeeZone> _LQ_GetAllAvaliableFeeZoneForGivenFeeSchemeID(int FeeSchemeID)
       using(var db = new QualificationContext())
           var query = (from d in db.FeeZone
                        where (!(from b in db.FeeZoneScheme
                               where b.FeeSchemeID == FeeSchemeID
                               join c in db.FeeZone on b.FeeZoneID equals c.FeeZoneID
                               select c).Contains(d.FeeZoneID))
                       select d).ToList();

           return query.ToList();


And this is the error : enter image description here Many Thanks

4 Answers 4


Try this code:

var query = from d in FreeZones
            let unwantedZonesIds = FeeZoneSchemes.Where(b => b.FreeSchemeID == 1)
                                                 .Select(b => b.FreeZoneID)
            where !unwantedZonesIds.Contains(d.FreeZoneID)
            select d;

Use Any instead of Contains

var query = (from d in db.FeeZone
                    where (!((from b in db.FeeZoneScheme
                           where b.FeeSchemeID == FeeSchemeID
                           join c in db.FeeZone on b.FeeZoneID equals c.FeeZoneID
                           select c).Any(x => x.FeeZoneID ==d.FeeZoneID))
                   select d).ToList();

Please try is as below.

from d in FeeZones
where (!(from b in FeeZoneSchemes where b.FeeSchemeID == 1
    join c in FeeZones on b.FeeZoneID equals c.FeeZoneID
    select c.FeeZoneID).Contains(d.FeeZoneID))
 select d
  • no i am getting error i have update my code above please... many thanks
    – K.Z
    Feb 10, 2014 at 13:01
  • it return me all the records instead of filtered records i just debug in visual studio...
    – K.Z
    Feb 10, 2014 at 13:16

You can use the following query .

        IList<FeeZones> lst = new List<FeeZones>() { new FeeZones() { FeeZoneID = 1 }, new FeeZones() { FeeZoneID =2 } };
        IList<FeeZoneSchemes> lstnew = new List<FeeZoneSchemes>(){new FeeZoneSchemes(){FeeSchemeID=1,FeeZoneID=1}};

        var res = (from d in lst
                   where !(
                       from c in lstnew 
                       join f in lst on c.FeeZoneID equals f.FeeZoneID
                       where c.FeeSchemeID == 1 && c.FeeZoneID == f.FeeZoneID 
                       select f.FeeZoneID
                   select d).ToList();

or You can use the Sql way of exists query like below.

 var res = (from d in lst
                   where !(
                       from c in lstnew 
                       where c.FeeSchemeID == 1 && c.FeeZoneID == d.FeeZoneID 
                       select c
                   select d).ToList();

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