In Cakephp 1 the first page of pagination also put page:1 in the url, how do I get CakePHP 2 to also do that? I know I read it somewhere, but I can't seem to find that page with a solution.

I know it was a visual/design solution from CakePHP self, but I need that page:1 part.

I hope someone can help me...

  • 1
    this is working very well in cakephp2.x. I assume the reason you think is not working because the first time loading page:1 is inactive. but if you click in other pages and click in page:1 you see it works well :)
    – Fury
    Feb 17, 2014 at 15:58
  • You should always mention the exact cakephp version you are using.
    – mark
    Feb 17, 2014 at 17:32
  • I'm sorry, I will add my CakePHP version in my future questions.
    – Femke
    Feb 19, 2014 at 7:25

1 Answer 1


We removed the page:1 part in CakePHP2.4 as it served no real purpose and made it SEO-invalid (both / and /page:1 accessed the same page). See the migration guide

My tip: 301 redirect (via htaccess or some custom component) the old to the new URL. Than

  • you wont need it
  • it's all SEO friendly (no juice lost)
  • it's future proof

Simple CakePHP implementation could be:

  • if named param action page == 1
  • then redirect(new url, 301) with new url = old url without named param page
  • Thanks for the answer! I will try to get this to work. For now I will use 472084's answer, because it's an Ajax Pagination and his answer works. But we still have to look into making it as SEO friendly as we can, so I will definitely try out what you suggested!
    – Femke
    Feb 19, 2014 at 7:24
  • Since CakePHP 2.0+ it is also highly recommended to not use named params anymore, but query strings, see dereuromark.de/2013/05/04/passed-named-or-query-string-params
    – mark
    Jan 9, 2017 at 14:16

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