Our DB is going to upgrade from postgresql 8.4 to 9.3 and we are asked to do some verification on our legacy app (Rails 2.3.2 app). (Don't laugh, it's a real app that runs for years). And I use latest pg gem (0.17.1), but it's really big change to move to latest 2.3.18 for rails so I just stay with old rails version.

And one table is storing some binary data (column type is bytea).

Here comes the issue: When I run 8.4 as backend db, that table can get record inserted. when I run 9.3 as backend db, the rails app freak out for "invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8" ...

And out db in pg8/9 are all build in UTF8 encoding. And the app code is same.

What I can observe is the SQL generated (logged in test.log) is different: for 8.4:

INSERT INTO "large_keys" ("u_id", "key_value", "key_hash", "created_at", "type", 
"iv")     VALUES(793287954, E'\\3540\\272\\204\\327H\\204w\\021\\341\\362I\\205\\3456\\252', 
NULL, '2014-02-20 10:32:00.869783', E'aes', E'aaabbbcccddd1234’);

but 9.3:

INSERT INTO "large_keys" ("type", "iv", "key_value", "created_at", "u_id", "key_hash") 
VALUES(E'aes', E'aaabbbcccddd1234', E'\3540\272\204\327H\204w\021\341\362I\205\3456\252', 
'2014-02-20 10:33:46.659190', 793287954, NULL);

The main different is key_value is escaped correctly when talking 8.4. but I don't understand which reason make front-end activerecord to behave different?

Thanks in advance for any idea.

  • Oh, just realize stackoverflow eat backslash for the first SQL I pasted. in 8.4, it should be: ... VALUES(793287954, E'\\3540\\272\\204\\327H\\204w\\021\\341\\362I\\205\\3456\\252', NULL, '2014-02-20 10:32:00.869783', E'aes', E'aaabbbcccddd1234’);
    – kyrre
    Feb 20, 2014 at 6:34
  • do these inserts work from postgres directly? Feb 20, 2014 at 6:36
  • no, it's from rails app. And I also ran the 2nd SQL in psql directly and get the same error.
    – kyrre
    Feb 20, 2014 at 6:41
  • Sorry @Kyrre I am bit slow today. Is you question that "8.4 produces double slashes but 9.3 doesn't" ? Feb 20, 2014 at 6:46
  • yes, that's what I am noticing from log file.
    – kyrre
    Feb 20, 2014 at 7:02


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