This is in a reference of

Return HTTP error from RESTeasy interface

I am doing the same just for reference

public class FooBar {

    public Object testMethod(@HeaderParam("var_1") @DefaultValue("") String var1,
                             @HeaderParam("var_2") @DefaultValue("") String var2 {

        if (var1.equals(var2)) {
            return "All Good";
        } else {
            throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN);

But when it throws the error I can not catch it in my junit test. It is not comming in any asserts below.

    public void test403() {
        try {
            Object obj = fooBarService.testMethod("test2", "test");
        } catch(WebApplicationException ex) {

How to check the 403 ?

Thank you


1 Answer 1


The client doesn't get the exception - that is turned in to an HTTP STATUS = 403 that is part of the response object you get back from the request. You need to check the http status value vs 403.

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