I have a C# application I wrote but my Convert.ToDateTime doesn't work past 09:59 ?

Here is my code:

strDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(arr[3].TrimStart('[').Substring(0, 11) + " " + arr[3].TrimStart('[').Substring(13, 7));

This is what's in arr[3]:

[20/Feb/2014:14:21:32 +0100]

Its driving me crazy!


  • 1
    I don't think the first colon should be there
    – Rob
    Feb 25, 2014 at 9:54
  • I think you are catching the : at the end of the date and the time. Please check and see if making the substrings less in length (to exclude the :) would get your required behavior Feb 25, 2014 at 9:55
  • What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Feb 25, 2014 at 9:57
  • Convert.ToDateTime(x.TrimStart('[').Substring(0, 11) + " " + x.TrimStart('[').Substring(12, 8)) - this is the correct version; And please rewrite this with DateTime.ParseExact(); Feb 25, 2014 at 9:58

4 Answers 4

string s = "[20/Feb/2014:14:21:32 +0100]";

DateTime d = DateTime.ParseExact(s, @"[dd\/MMM\/yyyy\:HH\:mm\:ss zzzz]", null);

Your Substring is incorrect. This should work (and is more readable):

string both = arr[3].Trim('[', ']');
string datePart = both.Substring(0, 11);
string timePart = both.Substring(12);
string dateTimePart = string.Format("{0} {1}", datePart, timePart);
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Parse(dateTimePart);

Or use DateTimeOffSet.Parse:

DateTimeOffset offset = DateTimeOffset.Parse(dateTimePart);

with your substring

arr[3].TrimStart('[').Substring(13, 7));

you don't get the whole time out of the string [20/Feb/2014:14:21:32 +0100]

you only get 4:21:32 instead of 14:21:32


arr[3].TrimStart('[').Substring(12, 8));

Problem 1: You are truncating from 13th index for time but in your string Time starts from 12th character

Solution 1: You should extract the Time from Index position 12 to 20(12+8)th charactercharacter.

Replace This:

arr[3].TrimStart('[').Substring(0, 11) + " " + arr[3].TrimStart('[').Substring(13, 7)

With This:

arr[3].TrimStart('[').Substring(0, 11) + " " + arr[3].TrimStart('[').Substring(12, 8)

Suggestion You need to use DateTime.ParseExact() to parse the datetime in required custom format as below:

 DateTime.ParseExact(str, "dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Complete Code:

string arr = "[20/Feb/2014:14:21:32 +0100]";
string str=arr.TrimStart('[').Substring(0, 11) + " " + arr.TrimStart('[').Substring(12, 8);
DateTime strDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(str, "dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

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