I want to open calendar in my Input control using the following method, but it does not open the calendar. I am creating this using string format from javascript file. (Using bootstrap css)

var dateString = "<div class='form-group'> 
<div class='controls row'>
 <div class='input-group col-sm-12 activity-due-date-group'>
  <span class='input-group-addon'><i class='icon-calendar'></i></span> 
    <input class='form-control hasDatepicker' data-val='true' datepick='datepick' id='myDate' name='myDate' placeholder='Date' type='text' value=''/>  


But the above code does not working. (All the other code/string lines are working except this lines).

How to open the calendar by clicking in input control ?

Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Seems that you are using jquery UI! Why don't you wrap your code in document.ready() and try again with $("#timeline").datepicker()? Feb 27, 2014 at 8:45

2 Answers 2


Try to wrap your string in " ":

var dateString = "<div class='form-group'>  <div class='controls row'> <div class='input-group col-sm-12 activity-due-date-group'> <span class='input-group-addon'><i class='icon-calendar'></i></span> <input class='form-control hasDatepicker' data-val='true' datepick='datepick' id='myDate' name='myDate' placeholder='Date' type='text' value=''/>  </div>  </div></div>";

If it's multi-line then wrap each of your line in " " and use + to concatenate each line together:

var dateString = "<div class='form-group'>" +
    "<div class='controls row'>" +
     "<div class='input-group col-sm-12 activity-due-date-group'>" +
      "<span class='input-group-addon'><i class='icon-calendar'></i></span>" +
        "<input class='form-control hasDatepicker' data-val='true' datepick='datepick' + id='myDate' name='myDate' placeholder='Date' type='text' value=''/>" + 
  • Its not multiline string. Also I use like this, but still its not working. Feb 27, 2014 at 6:49
  • Can you create a fiddle to replicate your problem?
    – Felix
    Feb 27, 2014 at 6:51

Ensure you include jquery-ui in your html

Try something like




My example http://jsfiddle.net/42N87/ works, however i have removed few attributes from your input. Hope it helps.


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