I am not at all proficient in unix or perl or cgi or apache but have been assigned to find a way to set an environment variable on unix from a cgi web page.

I can successfully set the Environment variable


But when a 4ge program is launched and then itself launches another program, this variable seems to 'go away'. I think I need to run the command

export PROGPATH;

To make it 'stick' for the second program.

I can't seem to find a way to do this successfully from the cgi page that launches the first program.

  • 1
    Something like system("export $PROGPATH"); perhaps?
    – abiessu
    Feb 27, 2014 at 21:13
  • Actually abiessu, that works. I will mark it as a fix if you answer with this. Thank you.
    – Belmiris
    Feb 27, 2014 at 21:55

2 Answers 2


In Perl, the system command executes any given command intended for the command line. Here, it is necessary to export $PROGPATH and so the full command would be

system("export $PROGPATH");

Note that this might leave your system vulnerable to various attacks, so you may want to ensure that $PROGPATH gets sanity checked prior to this call.


Simple to do:


system('echo FOO=$FOO');

When Perl runs system, it exports the variables to the forked process.

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