I am using this Domain Class :

@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE )
class TargetElement {

    static constraints = {

    String testPurpose

    // instead of bellow in comment use this 
    @XmlElementWrapper(name = "Bag")
    List<Child> bag= new ArrayList<Child>()
    // 1..n Child
    static hasMany = [child:Child]

If I want to add Child elem, I use

def target = new TargetElement(testPurpose:"TestPurpose")
if (target.hasErrors()){
    println '3 ***********' + target.errors

But I get list == null for bag.

Why my list is null? It is working for another project and only name is changing. May be my eyes are missing something...

1 Answer 1


For whom who get the same trouble : having @XmlElementWrapper value(bag) to null in my Bootstrap.groovy.I have to declare :

ArrayList<Child> bag = new ArrayList<Child>()

also I have met another issue whith GROM lazy loading and JAXB. Check that objects nested are retreived : eg :

static mapping = {
    nested lazy: false

Hope this will helps

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