I am trying to call a COM object from PHP using the COM interop extension. One function requires an OLE_COLOR as an argument? Is there any way to pass this kind of value from PHP?

I have tried passing a simple integer value with no success.

$this->oBuilder->Font->Color = 255;

2 Answers 2


PHP can define the constants the COM exposes automatic.

set_ini('com.autoregister-typelib', true);

or by hand


But if the OLE_COLOR is a object instead of an integer, string or other primitive
using constants (or integers) won't work.

$Color = new COM('ColorClass');
$Color->set_color_function($red, $green, $blue);

Or something similar will.


When I've called COM functions from PHP, I just passed them in the call. So my old code has:

$myComObject = new COM("MY_COM_OBJECT");
$myComObject->Myfunction( myVar1, myVar2, 'my string var');

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