I run this code:

for i=1:length(matr)

...where matr is square matrix. In this loop the size of the matr changes, but it seems that the loop continues to run, until i doesn't not exceed the initial value of length(matr)

How to maintain the fresh of length(matr) in the loop's condition?

Here is my code.

for i=1:length(matr1)
       for j=1:length(matr1) 
               if (i>length(matr1))||(j>length(matr1))
               ind1 = find_tree(matr1,i);
               ind2 = find_tree(matr1,j);
               b = is_isomorphic(matr1(ind1,ind1),matr1(ind2,ind2),encode(ind1),encode(ind2));
               if b,
                   number = number + length(ind1);
                   matr1(ind2,:) = [];
                   matr1(:,ind2) = [];
                   ind3 = find(summ_rows==-1);

I was managed to add

`if (i>length(matr1))||(j>length(matr1))`, 

...because i and j exceeded the dimensions of the matrix.

  • 1
    Can you describe what your loop is trying to do? You probably should be using a while loop for this and not a for loop
    – Dan
    Mar 11, 2014 at 10:28

1 Answer 1


You should be using a while loop:

ii = 0;
while(ii <= length(matr))
    ii = ii + 1;

    %// Your loop code here: e.g. the following line that alters the size of matr
    matr = rand(randi(20) + 10);

  • Thank you. And, is it true, that bounds for a for-loop is calculated only before the initial iteration?
    – Macaronnos
    Mar 11, 2014 at 10:33
  • @restrest yes that is true as far as I know. Easy for you to test though
    – Dan
    Mar 11, 2014 at 10:34
  • I think this might be related to the JIT acceleration. Could be you get different results once you disable it.
    – bdecaf
    Mar 11, 2014 at 10:46
  • 1
    @bdecaf I haven't tested it but I wouldn't think so. 1:length(matr1) creates a vector [1,2,3... first and then i will iterate over that. I'm pretty confident that this is set when you create the loop and does not change, JIT or no.
    – Dan
    Mar 11, 2014 at 11:39

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